
Multi Sensory Gardens, Darkness & Light

December 18, 2013
Stolen Child Garden by Mary Reynolds

Stolen Child Garden by Mary Reynolds

We usually visit gardens by day but there’s one series of gardens that simply must be seen during the winter darkness and they’re at The Delta Centre in Carlow.

Delta Centre SculptureFrom the 7th to the 22nd December the twenty multi sensory gardens are lit up with sparkling lights, helping to create a magical place that appeals to both young and old alike.

Delta Centre SculptureIf you wish, you can take a map or follow a trail game that can help you find your way along the pathways that weave their way through the themed gardens. Alternatively just meander around and try not to trip up as your eyes dart from the skeleton trees to tall sculptures that entice you to touch and feel their varied textures, however cold your fingertips might feel on a winter’s night.

Whilst the interconnecting multi sensory gardens will fill you with inspiration during the rest of the year, during the cold December evenings they’ll leave you with a sense of wonder that once experienced, will never be forgotten.

Delta Sensory Garden LightsThe Delta Centre provides training and multi sensory services to adults with intellectual disabilities and all funds raised there help to support their services. As such there’s a small admission fee to the gardens of €5 for adults, €4 for concessions with children free and they are open until 7.00 pm for the Christmas light show and Craft Fair.

Delta Centre TreesWhen you’ve finished wandering around outside and can’t wait any longer to warm up, you can pop into the very reasonably priced Christmas craft shop that’s bursting with garlands and decorations before heading into the café for hot drinks and sticky cakes to round off your evening.

Delta Centre Christmas Decorations

I last visited the multi sensory gardens in December 2008 with two young girls aged five and eight – five years later their memories are of fairy like enchantment.

This time around my visit was with two groups of community gardening adults who have informed me that not only did they thoroughly enjoy the experience, they can’t wait to go back for a daylight trip to see the spring daffodil display.

For more information about the Delta Sensory Garden light show, check out their website here and apologies for the photo quality which really don’t do it justice!


  • Reply Susan (@VibrantIreland) December 18, 2013 at 9:38 pm

    This is just fab, Dee! I was there as they were just starting to set up for Christmas and I’m so pleased to see it decorated now through your post

    • Reply greensideupveg December 18, 2013 at 10:41 pm

      Ahh thanks Susan, glad you enjoyed it. It was truly magical and would love to go again, on my own with my camera and much slower! Was fun with a crowd too though 😀

  • Reply unahalpin December 18, 2013 at 10:59 pm

    Lovely post Dee. We were there last week and I couldn’t get my son out of there. We started in daylight because he loves to feed the fish, then went to the craft shop and the cafe and back for several more rounds of the garden in darkness to appreciate the lights. We even found a frog.

    • Reply greensideupveg December 19, 2013 at 8:05 am

      How lovely Una! What a good idea going before darkness too, I’m really tempted to go back again.

  • Reply Garden Visit: Delta Sensory Gardens, Carlow March 25, 2014 at 4:32 pm

    […] written about the Delta Centre before, having visited the twenty interconnecting but quite different sensory gardens for the Christmas […]

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