The following picture was tweeted to me this morning from @grasscraig and it so made me smile I wanted to share, especially given its theme!
I tracked down the supplier to Electra from Manhattan, New York who has an Etsy shop and have made my enquiries about posting here (it’s a copyrighted/trademarked tee-shirt so if anyone’s looking and thinking of getting a local printer to make up anything that says Lettuce Turnip The Beet™ they may check out the laws first, it’s a big no-no!
I was even more pleased to find that the ladies version is, wait for it, PURPLE so is now firmly on my wish list!
You may have come across the following poem about getting older and wearing purple, but if not here it is. As I have a big birthday coming up this year, I plan to be fully embracing the philosophy (actually I think I already am)…
Warning by Jenny Joseph
When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other people’s gardens
And learn to spit.
You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.
But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.
But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.
Oops, I notice I wear a lot more purple as I get older – so it must be true ;0) Love the poem – thanks for sharing it!
It’s great isn’t it! I was really surprised to find it had been written over 50 years ago, yet is still so relevant today 🙂