I know, I know more bees! I think this is a solitary bee and it’s really enjoying the Agastache at Lavistown House in Kilkenny. There’ll be a blog post coming up during the week about our efforts to become more self-sufficient.
I know, I know more bees! I think this is a solitary bee and it’s really enjoying the Agastache at Lavistown House in Kilkenny. There’ll be a blog post coming up during the week about our efforts to become more self-sufficient.
Made with in Ireland
Nice shot Dee……love your bee obsession.
Loved getting suited up and getting close and personal with them yesterday Brian š Really looking forward to learning more about them and hopefully won’t be too long before we get some hives š
Great shot Dee, are you thinking of getting bees ? Sounds great! Lavender has been full of them last few weeks, lovely little creatures. My hubby thought the kids how to stroke their backs when they were young so now they love bees and not scared at all!
That’s a lovely gift to your children, a lifetime one š yes we are, next blog post possibly tomorrow will be about the next venture, and thank you!