A day bank holiday weekend in the vegetable garden 🙂
The house is destroyed but I’m finally on top of everything in the veg patch. It wont last long but feels good for now.
It might look bare but in the ground outside we have red & white onions, early & main crop spuds, parsnips, carrots, beetroot, chard, broad beans & mangetout, celeriac & swede, asparagus & scarlet kale and early purple sprouting broccoli. We also have a bed of strawberries that has had an overhaul, rhubarb and lots of flower and herb seeds planted for the bees.
Now might be a good time to mention the leatherjackets. Has anyone else noticed the zillions of these wriggly little root eaters in their soil? They’ve already eaten one of my kale seedlings! I’m starting to see them in my sleep I’ve picked out so many, which doesn’t bode well for a happy late summer as I have a crane fly phobia 🙁
How was your bank holiday weekend? Did you get to spend some time in the garden?
Your garden is looking great! Loads of leatherjackets here too, my chickens love them.
Thanks Annie! Next time I’m out there will collect them in a pot and feed them too our chooks! Eldest daughter was collecting them yesterday and they nibbled her!
Hi, what a tidy plot! And what a nice scarecrow too.
Was weeding a friend’s allotment here in Galway and we have tons of leatherjackets (AKA cutworms?) here too. Not so many worms, lots of pesky pests though. The robin likes them at least. A more cheery sight is how many ladybirds are out and about. Loads!
That’s interesting to read as havn’t seen any ladybirds yet though will keep an eye out now as encouraging to hear! Cutworms are a bit different, plumper looking and are moth larvae. Only found a couple here weeding but next time I spot one I’ll take a picture and write a post about them!