We’re just over half way through the 12 day COP21 negotiations in Paris and headlines have filtered through my timeline every day about the summit.
As Ireland and the UK bathe in the aftermath of torrential rain following storm after storm, climate change is very much on our minds. Can world leaders agree to tackle rising temperatures and stop the planet tipping into the danger zone caused by the globe warming? Keep reading to see some of the highlights of this years COP21.
First Up – What is COP?
If you’re not sure what COP21 is about, basically it follows on from the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 where politicians agreed to adopt a UN Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Twenty three years ago at the Earth Summit, a framework for action was set with the aim of stabilising greenhouse gases (GHGs) to avoid “dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.” This came into force in 1994 and as a result, membership of the UNFCCC now stands at around 190 parties.
Colourful reefs are turning white… Why? #Climatechange. We need action now. #COP21: https://t.co/Tmk1n32kbI pic.twitter.com/xP3fA7W0cJ
— WWF (@WWF) December 5, 2015
Since the first UNFCCC annual Conference of Parties (COP) began in Berlin in 1995 with the aim of reviewing the Convention’s implementation, other meetings have taken place including COP3 when the Kyoto Protocol was adopted, COP11 where the Montreal Action Plan was enacted and COP17 in Durban where the Green Climate Fund was created.
Humanity abandons quest for endless economic growth or natural ecosystem destruction collapses biosphere #cop21 pic.twitter.com/PnbRZM5jX3 — Ocean News (@EI_Ocean) December 6, 2015
Why is COP21 so important?
Since COP negotiations began over 20 years ago, decisions have not been legally binding. One of the aims of the 2015 COP21 therefore is to change that and crucially, to agree to somehow keep global warming below 2ºC. If the planet warms above that figure, the results could be catastrophic to our planet.
What’s happened at COP21 so far?
Live coverage and updates surrounding this years summit can be found on the COP21 website whilst Grist have published a post with the 5 key developments. Mashable are live blogging summaries throughout the 12 day summit:
The most powerful climate quotes from the first day of COP21 in Paris http://on.mash.to/1Ps3hEe
Posted by Mashable News on Tuesday, 1 December 2015
On Saturday, 5th December it was announced that negotiators had adopted a draft climate agreement. However, we have to wait and see whether ministers from around the world will agree to implement the agreement before the end of this week. If they do, will we then begin to see the phasing out of fossil fuels, one of the contributors to global warming?
If you’ve missed what’s happened during the negotiations, you can catch up here:
The Negotiation Update for 6 December is now available. View here: https://t.co/9Yjuhju8J5. #COP21 pic.twitter.com/PIRY02CQPV — UN Climate Action (@UNFCCC) December 6, 2015
Several initiatives have been launched at COP21, including transport:
10 major transport #climateaction initiatives were presented at #COP21 #LPAA pic.twitter.com/MWkTzro9Wr — UN Climate Action (@UNFCCC) December 6, 2015
buildings and construction:
At #COP21, 18 countries&over 60 orgs launched Global Alliance for Buildings & Construction https://t.co/hB56Krv3bu pic.twitter.com/tYTFTZqbuw
— UN Climate Action (@UNFCCC) December 6, 2015
and commitments made to reduce black carbon, methane and HFCs:
At #COP21, commitments have been made to reduce black carbon, methane and HFCs https://t.co/GkElVVnVcA #LPAA pic.twitter.com/vpiWaRcc4p — UN Climate Action (@UNFCCC) December 6, 2015
Delegates at COP21 have heard some encouraging stories from smaller countries such as Uruguay in relation to emissions:
Uruguay makes dramatic shift to nearly 95% electricity from clean energy #keepitintheground https://t.co/jrNEib89hb #COP21 — Shirley Gallagher (@Shirleyatsyspro) December 6, 2015
Though back home in Ireland we’ve been left worrying that our political leaders aren’t taking Climate Change seriously enough.
#COP21 I told @endakennyTD that fighting climate change IS a priority for me. Can you tell him too? https://t.co/9nOsmsauOA — Pat Murphy (@Smartheat) December 6, 2015
We’re also being encouraged by UNICEF to let ministers worldwide know how much we want to see changes, by signing this global petition:
Send a Thunderclap message to world leaders at #COP21! NOW is the time to combat #climatechange: #EarthToParis https://t.co/FUoDRFLAO2 — UNICEF (@UNICEF) December 6, 2015
It’s reassuring to hear that the youth of the world aren’t ready to throw in the towel yet:
How youth around the world are using tech to fight #climatechange https://t.co/pyUB7rFRiW #COP21 — UNICEF (@UNICEF) December 5, 2015
And that soil health is uppermost in the minds of many:
#SoilHealth is key to #COP21 objectives. #WorldSoilDay #ClimateActionNOW https://t.co/kgMR1VZiRh @UNDPGPCNairobi pic.twitter.com/Qk5213wAnv
— Shift Soil (@ShiftSoil) December 5, 2015
One of my favourite quotes was from UNESCO who believe that changing minds through education is key – something I’ve thought for a long while:
#COP21 shows that changing minds through #education is key to stop #climatechange — UNESCO (@UNESCO) December 4, 2015
Astronauts who’ve been watching the effects of climate change from afar are encouraging world leaders to make the right decisions at COP21…
Oceans on our #EarthRightNow. You are the blue in our big blue marble. #COP21 #YearInSpace pic.twitter.com/q4hpHebiBp — Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) December 3, 2015
… while the rest of the world watches on, waiting until the end of the week to hear whether agreements are made. My own and I’m sure many others thoughts are silently echoing Ban Ki-moon’s:
As Ministers in Paris work on new #COP21 draft, Ban Ki-moon asks they show flexibility & compromise to reach a robust & universal agreement. — United Nations (@UN) December 6, 2015
If you want to keep up-to-date with the negotiations and agreements in Paris, search the hashtag #COP21 for live content and news on twitter, keep an eye out on any of the websites linked, or check back to the Greenside Up blog next weekend when I’ll update this post and let you know the outcome.
The outcomes of COP21 can be found on the United Nations Framework for Climate Change website here.
Photo credit: I’ve got the whole world in my hand via photopin (license)
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