What are community gardens?
Community Gardens are all about sharing – both the work and the harvest and they can have very positive social, economic and environmental impacts in communities.
Dee Sewell has helped several community gardens set up over the past few years and was one of the founding members of Community Gardens Ireland, a national voluntary organisation that was established to support communty gardening in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
10 Benefits of Community Gardening
There are so many benefits to community gardening from learning about growing food to making friends.
- Community Gardens are social levellers, appealing to people across the entire social economic spectrum.
- Community Gardens create an awareness of the local area and can transform empty or overgrown, unloved spaces into welcoming, vibrant places.
- Community gardens are usually open to all ages, from seasoned gardeners to complete beginners.
That’s just for starters. Read what the gardeners have to say with their 10 reasons why they like being involved in community gardens or community food projects.
Learning by doing is the best way to develop confidence in new skills and participants are encouraged to practice what they’ve learnt in their own allotments, gardens or balconies.
If you’d like to hear more about community gardens and what they’re about, take a listen to the podcast here with Dee talking to Brian Greene of The Sodshow, on Dublin City FM, Dublin’s Garden Radio Show.
More information
Do you like the idea of creating a garden in your local area?
Find out how to start a community garden here.
Or contact Dee Sewell for more information.