I began attending Bloom Garden and Food Festival four years ago – initially as a regular punter, secondly as a volunteer, last year as a speaker on the main stage and finally this year as an exhibitor due to my involvement with the Community Garden Network postcard garden.
Being on the other side has been a rollercoaster experience but already my mind is contemplating the logistics of entering a design and actually pulling it off in the designer garden area. The Postcard Garden experience has been a real teaser, so who knows – watch this space!
In the meantime I took the opportunity to have a little look around at some of the show (too much to see in the limited time I had!) and here are my favourite bits. I was told off last year for not including enough pictures in my post so there’s a few more.
As Dorothy from An Taisce surmised (I can’t remember her exact words but something like…)
“Bloom this year has been such a welcome relief after an 11 month winter. It’s full of smiles, sun and warmth and boy didn’t we need it!!”
White pepper AND cinnamon work like a charm here … She still hides out to sun herself in there but I put a litter box in the corner and she uses it … Easy fix, no?
The box is a good idea Mona, especially if its for our own cats though not so sure I’d want to do it for someone else’s, tis another solution though! And you’re right, there is no easy fix. I should add a note that the pepper has to be reapplied etc as will get watered in. The hope is (and it worked in a community garden) that the cats would get so cheesed off that their preferred place is no longer comfortable they wouldn’t bother anymore.