Just a few pics of our garden yesterday, after some light showers of rain…
We’re letting the curly kale go to seed in the hope of collecting them this year, and their flowers are the most colourful thing in the veggie garden at the moment.
The Honesty (Lunaria) planted from seed last year, although windswept are still filling the garden with my favourite colour and goregeous scent.
… we divided the lupins in the early spring and are looking forward to six displays this year.
Number one job now is to source some straw to use as a mulch to prevent weeds and keep the moisture into our clayey soil.
Very much looking forward to the months ahead in the garden …
What a Treat this all looks ! well done x x
Thanks Binnie 🙂
What a delightful garden! I am terribly jealous. It's barely begun to warm up enough to do much of anything in the way of gardening.
Thanks Alexis 🙂 We've just had an unseasonably long, dry spell… no rain for about 6 weeks I think, so lots slow to germinate. Hopefully it will warm up for you soon and you can get outside.