But I haven’t yet! As a working mum with a shift working husband one aspect that I’ve had to resolve myself to is juggling family life. That includes taking time off with our children and/or working at midnight when they’re in bed and/or shutting myself in the bedroom with the netbook for some peace and quiet.
So here we are on the 3rd January. I have another week at home (mostly) enjoying their company and although I haven’t sat down yet and written a list, I have been thinking about the year gone past and the one ahead.
2011 was the busiest yet for Greenside Up with new Community Gardens starting up, the launch of the community garden network at the GIY National Conference, finding out I was a finalist at the Irish Green Awards and again at the South East Women in Business Awards. Mr G built raised beds, whilst I helped individuals start up, taught at night courses, spoke on radio interviews and, despite my nerves, spoke at several events about my passion – veggies and community gardening. I’ve met so many lovely, enthusiastic, talented, genuine people in the couple of years since starting Greenside Up I feel blessed and I’m really looking forward to meeting them again, and hopefully meeting more.
However, the great thing about a new year is that it’s a dam good excuse to start afresh.
I love opening my brand new diary and the pages are bare. The uncertainty of not knowing what events will be unfolding and filling the crisp pages is exciting.
I’m feeling amazingly motivated about helping more people grow veggies, as well as looking forward to starting a fresh year with the community and intellectually disabled gardeners I’ve been lucky enough to work with in the past.
I’m also looking forward to starting afresh on our own plot, trying out some new varieties of vegetables, maybe some new methods, and am determined to make more wines and preserves this year too.
So in the words of Nina Simone “It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life ….” bring on 2012 and whatever challenges it unveils….
All the best for 2012. Looking forward to hearing what you're growing.
Love the kale in the container by the way.
Well you have had a wonderful year and have settled in so well to your new surroundings here. Really it is down to your own way of working that you have demystified and made the information so easy to access. Also your warm and friendly way with people makes you so easy to connect with. Here's to another fantastic growing year for veggies and for yourself! May your dreams come true.:~)
~Thanks Jono, and you have me blushing Catherine, am touched thank you X
Beautiful photos and all the best for a busy and successful growing new year!