Fun experiment to determine your soil texture
You can determine your soil texture quite simply using your hands and eyes. A fun experiment will help you understand it that bit more.
November 23, 2021You can determine your soil texture quite simply using your hands and eyes. A fun experiment will help you understand it that bit more.
November 23, 2021Three top tips that will help you to grow your own vegetables successfully.
March 26, 2021Confused by all the gardening terms? This article looks at organic matter and the various ways and types you can add to your vegetable or ornamental garden.
March 1, 2020Three ways to learn more about your soil in a changing climate and engage in an exciting European Citizen Science project with the GROW Observatory
October 2, 2018Soil is the mother of all things. Please honour and protect her by signing the People 4 Soil petition. Give soil a voice.
September 7, 2017Hands that change this earth. Taking a look at Ciaran Burke’s earthTouch project.
September 18, 2014