Supporting Mental Health Needs with Horticulture
Thanks to a relationship between two charities in the UK and Ireland, horticultural therapy for mental health support needs is being addressed.
May 18, 2014Thanks to a relationship between two charities in the UK and Ireland, horticultural therapy for mental health support needs is being addressed.
May 18, 2014One of the many benefits of working in a community garden is the group environment and shared learning opportunities from working in a team.
April 15, 2014CSAs, community food co-ops, community food buying schemes, community shops and community gardens – could community food schemes be the answer we’re looking for?
April 6, 2014Are you itching to get started in the vegetable garden? If so here’s 20 top tips to get you started.
January 24, 2014It’s not just heresay, many reports have been published proving that community gardens are so good for us.
January 22, 2014Mind maps can help you to focus and understand a topic in a very short space of time. Will you try and create one to help you live more sustainably?
November 28, 2013When people work together, they can achieve so much. Savour Kilkenny is a perfect example.
October 27, 2013