Ten things you’ll learn if you’re involved with a community garden.

Serenity Community Garden, Dublin - bottle greenhouse

Leighlinbridge Community Garden

If you’re wondering what all the fuss is about in regard to Community Gardens, here’s ten things a group of Kilkenny community gardeners learnt in just six months working together…

  1. Clonegal Community GardenThey’ve learnt new skills and how growing, harvesting and eating your own food is good for both mental and physical health.
  2. They learnt about the seasonality of food and picked up recipe ideas and new cooking techniques.
  3. They’ve tried out different foods and flavours that were once popular but may not be available in supermarkets.
  4. They’re encouraged to grow their own food at home in tandem with the community food project.
  5. They’ve learnt how successes and failures of growing food are ‘normal’.
  6. They have a better appreciation of how difficult it can be to grow food without using chemicals and why organic food is generally more expensive at markets and in shops.
  7. They’re more likely to shop locally, searching out better quality foods and flavours.community.
  8. Community gardensCommunity gardens are available to people on a tight budget.
  9. The experience has given them a better appreciation of their community.
  10. They’ve learnt a basic life skill – they will know that whatever happens, they will be able to provide food for themselves and their families.

This list could go on. There’s room for a community garden everywhere. All you need is a small scrap of land to create one and an enthusiastic bunch of people to get it up and running. For more tips on how to start a community garden, take a look here.