Food & Drink

Rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb (& why I love Twitter)

May 20, 2011

Twitter’s a great place to hang out… sometimes you can ask a simple question and sometimes the replies come firing in, within seconds. Last night I sent out a simple tweet:

“Harvested an armful of rhubarb from community garden today but what can I make that doesn’t include lots of sugar?”

Here are the replies, and they all sounded so delicious that I thought I’d share them…

@LoveToGrowLass : rhubarb chutney, stewed rhubarb with maple syrup, grated ginger and lemon, served with yogurt

@Guestlandlord: use it as a layer at the bottom of a bread and butter pudding. Its sharpness cuts the richness of the B & B’s sugar/custard.

@luckylottielisa : pan fried mackerel and roasted rhubarb.

@likemamuse2bake : rhubarb chutney

@frandowdsofa : recipe ideas here Also mixing small chunks into pork burgers worked nicely, with extra crumbled black pudding.

@JadaJelly : rhubarb and orange slump

@fenifur : Baking/stewing it with pineapple or strawberries, rhubarb daal. Also

@EcoGitesLenault – rhubarb chutney

Hard to choose but think I’ll be trying out the chutney and will post up the recipe once it’s made. A big thanks to everyone who took the trouble to reply, and you can find me at most evenings 😉 


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